Lawful Thoughts®

Focused on Legal Issues Affecting Businesses
of All Shapes and Sizes

Contractors: To Waive Or Not To Waive Consequential Damages?

Posted on by William R. Mauck, Jr. in Construction

A waiver of consequential damages is contained in many construction contracts.

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Banks Face Claw-Back Exposure For Account Overdrafts

Posted on by Neil E. McCullagh in Creditors' Rights, Bankruptcy and Insolvency

Two recent cases highlight an unexpected risk that comes with overdrafts and the importance of documenting and following procedures in handling them.

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Why Detail is Important in a Letter of Intent for a Commercial Lease

Posted on in Commercial Real Estate

LOIs are typically non-binding and set out the basic terms that will be contained in a lease document once the parties agree to the contents.

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New Vosh Policy Effective July 1, 2015 to Prevent Worker Misclassification

Posted on by William R. Mauck, Jr. in Construction

Effective July 2015, the VA Department of Labor and Industry will implement a new VOSH policy to combat misclassification of workers.

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U.S. Supreme Court Weighs in on Mortgage "Strip-Offs"

Posted on by Neil E. McCullagh in Creditors' Rights, Bankruptcy and Insolvency

The US Supreme Court ruled on mortgage "strip-offs."

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Why Businesses May Like the "Duke Rules Package" Part 4 of 4: The Outcome

Posted on by John M. Erbach in Litigation

This article summarizes the rules from the "Duke Rules Package" that were ultimately adopted by the Supreme Court.

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Using Virginia Historic Tax Credits to Offset the Virginia Bank Franchise Tax

Posted on in Tax

The Federal and Virginia governments subsidize rehabilitations of historically significant buildings.

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